January 06, 2007

I Heart Bettie Page

I do heart Bettie Page, and My New Shoes and I just rented The Notorious Bettie Page. I was supposed to have seen this movie already for free (which is a long story), and I'm still a little sad that I didn't. In any case, I am both excited and apprehensive about it. Skinny Gretchen Mol as the curvy Bettie Page? I'm skeptical, but I'm trying to keep an open mind.

Relatedly, I wish I was a burlesque performer. I don't think it will ever actually happen, but I'm pretty sure there's an outfit involving pasties in my future. Or pasty-making! OK, honestly, I do want to learn to sew lingerie kinds of things (mostly undies). And that's my confession for the day.

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