January 16, 2007

Coffee = Life

I love coffee. The taste, the smell, the buzz--all of it. So if a hippie holistic healer asked me to give it up, would I? Well, if all of my problems could be solved by simply skipping the coffee in the morning, I would consider it. But any less of a pay-back really doesn't seem all that enticing. And really--how can it be that bad?! It's so good!

I do wonder if these are just the words of an addict. Am I just taking the defensive, predictable stance by saying, "I don't have a problem! There's nothing wrong with this!"?* Maybe. But I think I can live with a caffeine addiction. I am pretty happy to allow myself that fault. Is that crazy? What do you think?

*That's some tricky punctuation but I don't have time to figure out if it's correct, so I'm just gonna say that it is.

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